Please complete all of the following. All boxes must be checked.
Phone Number
Street Adress
Terms and Conditions- A commission of 10% of the selling price of embryos will be taken from sales receipts and owner will be mailed a check of the balance. If embryos listed on become unavailable must be notified immediately. Owner will be billed for commission fee if embryos are no longer available, and has not been notified.
Full Name (Electronic Signature)
Embryo Information
Embryo Location
Dam Name, Reg. #, and Description
Sire Name, Reg. # (Quantity of Embryos), (Price per Embryo)
Second Embryo Location (if applicable)
Second Dam Name (if applicable), Reg. #, and Description
Second Sire Name (if applicable), Reg. # (Quantity of Embryos), (Price per Embryo)
Third Embryo Location (if applicable)
Third Dam Name (if applicable), Reg. #, and Description
Third Sire Name (if applicable), Reg. # (Quantity of Embryos), (Price per Embryo)
If you want to add photo(s) and/or a video to your listing(s), then please email them to Please save the photo(s)/video(s) as the name of the animal shown (Example: Betsy437-1, Betsy437-2, Betsy437-video, where the dam's name is Betsy437 and there are 2 photos sent and 1 video), and send them as attachment(s), so we can make sure to add it to the correct listing.